Eating Disorders
Do you obsess about your weight and how you look?
Do you weigh yourself more than once a day?
Do you have “good foods” and “bad foods”?
Do you think about food all day long, what you will eat or will not eat?
Do you exercise more than an hour per day to counteract the calories you have consumed?
Does gaining a couple of pounds send you into a tailspin of depression?
Do you skip meals intentionally, even not eating meals for 2 or 3 days?
Do you plan what you are going to have for lunch even before you are finished with breakfast?
Do you count and/or restrict calories, fats, or carbohydrates?
Do you sometimes get rid of your meal by throwing up or using laxatives?
If you have answered YES to 4 or more questions, you may have an eating disorder.
Eating disorders are very serious and should not be ignored. They can cause serious health problems to many systems of the body.
The counselors at Hope Crossing understand the emotional trauma you are experiencing and are here to help you get your life back on track.